Sunday, August 9, 2015

Some New and Some Old

This morning was eerily still, and after the rain last night it is heavy and, well, muggy. The mosquitoes are plentiful and annoying. When I set the chickens free, Pip zipped around the yard chasing a tiny moth. After all her efforts, she never caught him; I suppose she counted it as aerobic exercise instead of breakfast. I decided to take advantage of the nice light this morning and take a few pictures of my "peeps." I discovered quite a few undownloaded pictures on my camera, so I'll include those for the heck of it. I found a few snaps of the coop while it was in progress, and a few of our nasty hawk visitor from a few weeks ago. The farm pictures were taken on the 4th of July on my dream farm in Mineola. Oh, to have an acreage like that! It was 120 acres of farmland, several ponds, and the coolest barn-ever! The only thing missing was a chicken palace.

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